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The Best Electric Cars You Can Buy – Tesla Alternative EVs

In recent years, Tesla has seen everything – controversies (numerous fatal and non-fatal accidents), rise and fall in stock prices, unprecedented sales and then a drop leading to price cuts, new factories in different parts of the world and a drop in production, headline creating protest at the Shanghai auto show by a woman to highlight brake failure issue, dispute with Panasonic which is one of its main battery suppliers, workplace safety issues, and the list can go on.

But none of it has been able to bring down the popularity level Tesla enjoys for its electric cars. Tesla was founded in 2003 by a group of engineering practitioners who looked forward to proving that electric cars can be more efficient and fun to drive than gasoline cars. Led by Elon Musk, it’s one of the biggest manufacturers of electric vehicles in the world with factories in Grünheide (Germany), Fremont and Austin (US) and Shanghai (China), producing various Tesla car models to meet the consumer demand on different continents.

Tesla company

As a matter of making more electric cars available, different legacy OEMs have released their alternative cars to Tesla effectively. However, none of them have come close to Tesla, although Li Auto and NIO from China and Rivian and Lucid Motors from the US are fast catching up.

To help you sift through the long list of best Tesla alternatives, here are the top five.

Porsche Taycan EV

Are you wondering, “who is Tesla's biggest competitor? If you do, this is one of the best choices ever. With the release of the Porsche Taycan, Tesla Model S Plaid has found a stiff competitor with ultra-performance. It was one of the most anticipated cars this year. At first, people confused its specs and price for fuel-driven Porsche, although, after closer consideration, its EPA range rating was rather shocking. After recent updates, the EPA range for it now exceeds the estimates.

2023 Porsche Taycan EV

The range of the different trims was estimated to be 192-201 miles. When some journalists decided to perform their content, they found that Taycan was much more capable than the EPA rating. Taycan is an expensive car, an attribute to its great specs, going at $100,000. Porsche Taycan is a Tesla alternative, and Reddit users are talking highly about it. It is available at an affordable price on the market.

Ford Mustang Mach-E luxury electric car

It is among the best alternative electric cars that are upcoming on the market soon. This comes after Ford announced that it's finally releasing its first real effort at the electric vehicle. It’s among the best Tesla alternatives and starts at $46000.

Ford latest electric car

With its unique design and better features, as detailed by its manufacturer, Ford Mustang Mach-E is set to directly challenge Tesla models available on the market, especially Model 1Y.

It's set to cover both affordability and performance (DCFC under 30 minutes), unlike Tesla, which majors on the account and ignores affordability. This is clearly shown by the new model that Elon Musk launched. It's amongst Tesla's alternative UK models available in the market.

Hyundai Kona EV

The first model of the Hyundai Kona EV was released in 2019. At the time of release, it looked like a challenge to the existing Tesla model electric cars, Chevy Bolt and Nissan Leaf Plus. Unlike the Tesla model, Kona EV had the fastest DC Fast Charging time compared to all other alternatives on the market.

Kona electric SUV

Kona EV is a result of tremendous effort by Korean carmakers that made it possible. Today, Kona EV shares a platform with gas-powered variants, but it still manages an excellent price point, which clearly shows that it's one of the best electric cars selling companies.

Its fair price allows many people to enjoy the fun associated with driving an electric car. If you are still thinking of “what can I buy instead of a Tesla?" this might be your best choice.

Toyota RAV4 Prime EV

If you love plug-in hybrids (PHEV), there is no better choice than the Toyota RAV4. It is designed with an impressive 42 miles of electric range before the range extender sets in for another 400 + miles. Its uniqueness lies within having AWD, which is pretty rare for PHEVs. It's a company among the best Tesla alternative companies around the globe.

Toyota RAV4 Prime review

If you are interested in carrying passengers, then this one of your favorites has a compact crossover shape that allows you to carry passengers and goods with ease. It has applied a bit of Tesla's alternative energy design uniquely.

It is significantly cheaper when compared with the Tesla Model 1Y. For those unwilling to spend an extra $18,000 for Tesla Model 1Y, RAV4 is the way to go. Today, it's among the best Tesla alternatives in Europe and is one of the top models similar to Tesla.

Chevy Bolt electric car

Everyone wants an electric car that can cover long distances frequently; it should be no other than Chevy Bolt. It has been one of the largest Tesla alternative stocks of Model 3 since it debuted.

chevy bolt electric car vs tesla model 3

Both were competing for the "Most Affordable EV" title, where Bolt sales became a fraction of Model 3. Today it is the best-selling non-Tesla EV for the last five years. With an increased battery life, it can travel around 529 miles on electric power.

To sum it up – The best Tesla electric car alternative available on the market

With these five great alternatives to Tesla electric cars, you should be worry-free when buying your next car. There’s an EV for every budget, and with newer improvements, these electric cars offer great features, increased mileage and a pleasant driving experience.

Other than these, there is BMW all-electric i range, Audi e-Tron lineup, Mercedes Benz EQ lineup, Volvo electric XC40 and C40 recharge crossover, Cadillac Celestiq, Rolls Royce Spectre, Rivian and Polestar. With plenty of options available, choosing the best EV should be an easy task.

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